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July 12, 2024What Boomers Left Behind
The year 2011 the destruction began, and the first Baby Boomers hit 65. It started the first year with 1.5 million and the year after 1.7 million hit retirement age. After that, the numbers exploded. The Baby Boomers that will be collecting Social Security in those numbers, for decades in some cases, are the Pac-Man that will eat up the dots that are us. The dots they fed on was America’s financial future. It was our fortune they devoured.
The arrival of the Baby Boomers was and is the financial death of America in the twenty-first century. There is no escaping the simple math of it. We simply will not have enough workers to pay the debt they will leave behind when they are gone. Everyone knew this was coming. We just kept putting it off or ignoring it. We bathed in a putative denial and turned our collective heads to what was coming.
To this day, most Americans have no idea of the economic tsunami that is coming their way. Every trillion dollars added to the national debt is something they hear in the background. Maybe we just didn’t want to face it. Perhaps we knew but didn’t know how to solve it with Boomers in charge of government. Any alarm bell that rang up to now, just fell silent on a “live in the moment” populace. However, the moment of today will crumble to the weight of tomorrow and all will be lost.
The sad part of what I’m saying here is not up for debate. Sadly, there is not a chance I can be wrong on this. Only the inadvertent truth of mathematics will be the language of America’s future. Effusively we won’t even be able to borrow the money to get through this long stretch. You see, the Boomers left us with tens of trillions of dollars of debt.
This generation simply destroyed any chance we could have had to manage this as a nation. Their very own destructive path has led to a situation where we will not be able to make the promise of Social Security for future generations. That is just the beginning of the coming tsunami. They were the first generation in the history of America not to hand over a better America to the next generation. What they handed us was an impossible financial situation that not even Solomon could figure a way out of. We can’t split the baby here.
Let me break this down to something amazingly simple that everyone can understand. How does America, which does not have money, and is in over thirty-four trillion dollars of debt as of July 2024, not collapse without a change in direction? If you can answer that question, you will go down in history as the person who saved The United States of America. You will also go down in history as the person who could bend the laws of mathematics and finance. Just run the numbers. Don’t listen to me; just go get your calculators.
The Baby Boomer’s legacy will go down as the impetus of the fall of an empire. Behind their very own self-glorification and diluted self-introspective declarations laid destruction. All the aspirations of the sixties will not hold weight to the generations crushed under their feet. No self-aggrandize narrative will amount to a hill of beans when we drown in the ocean of failure they left behind.
C. Rich
C. Rich is the voice behind America Speaks Ink, home to the America First Movement. As an author, poet, freelance ghostwriter, and blogger, C. Rich brings a “baked-in” perspective shaped by growing up on the streets and beaches of South Florida in the 1970s-1980s and brings a quintessential Generation-X point of view.
Rich’s writing journey began in 2008 with coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and has since evolved into a wide-ranging exploration of politics, culture, and the issues that define our times. Follow C. Rich’s writing odyssey here at America Speaks Ink and on Amazon with a four-book series on Donald Trump called “Trump Era: The MAGA Files” and many other books and subjects C. Rich is known to cover.
“America Speaks Ink is a Google News approved source for Opinion”